JLL: Seizing the electric vehicle infrastructure opportunity

JLL: Seizing the electric vehicle infrastructure opportunity Main Photo

2 Aug 2022


Signed into law in November 2021, the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) provides $7.5 billion to advance electric vehicle (EV) adoption. States have a rare opportunity to claim significant federal budget dollars for EV infrastructure by submitting detailed five-year plans for approval. The catch? The deadline is tight, and states will require expertise in a range of disciplines - from electric utility planning to real estate negotiations and public-private partnerships - to create a solid plan.

IIJA establishes several grant programs to accelerate build-out of a convenient, reliable, affordable and equitable public charging network nationwide. Initially, grants will come from the $5 billion National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) formula grant program. This first round of funding is intended to help states build out a nationwide network of EV charging stations along National Alternative Fueling Corridors established by prior legislation.

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