USDA invests $464 million in renewable energy infrastructure to help rural communities, businesses and ag producers Build Back Better

9 Sep 2021

U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced that the Department is investing $464 million to build or improve renewable energy infrastructure (PDF, 631 KB) and to help rural communities, agricultural producers and businesses lower energy costs in 48 states and Puerto Rico.

“USDA continues to prioritize climate-smart infrastructure to help rural America build back better, stronger and more equitably than ever before,” Vilsack said. “We recognize that lowering energy costs for small businesses and agricultural producers helps to expand economic development and employment opportunities for people in America’s rural towns and communities. The investments we are announcing today demonstrate how the Biden-Harris Administration has put rural communities at the heart of climate action and climate-smart solutions.”

Click here to read full article from the UDSA.