Enterprise Minnesota: Where the Wind Blows

Enterprise Minnesota: Where the Wind Blows Main Photo

24 May 2023


Wind energy has been soaring in the United States as a power source, and it is on track to become an even bigger player in the domestic energy grid. Driving across the wide-open spaces of the U.S., it’s common to see fields of giant wind turbines in action. These massive pieces of machinery had to find their way from the manufacturer to often rural areas for installation — no easy feat.

Metal and fiberglass components, including 262-foot blades and tower sections that weigh 75 tons each, must be moved from barge and train, to dock and rail yard, to truck, and then onto their eventual landing place. It’s a logistical challenge that takes a team of highly trained employees working in tandem to safely transport these heavy and huge elements.

Click here to view the original article from Enterprise Minnesota.