USDA Rural Development: USDA Invests $6.6 Million to Deploy Renewable Energy Infrastructure

USDA Rural Development: USDA Invests $6.6 Million to Deploy Renewable Energy Infrastructure Main Photo

11 Apr 2023


U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Under Secretary Xochitl Torres Small today announced the Biden-Harris Administration is investing $6.6 million across the country to help people living in rural towns develop community-sized renewable energy projects that will help them lower their energy costs and create jobs. 

“People from rural areas make up America’s spirit and character and provide the everyday essentials our country depends on, and the Biden-Harris Administration is committed to ensuring they have every opportunity to succeed in their communities,” Torres Small said. “The investments we're announcing today demonstrate how the Biden-Harris Administration is partnering with rural communities to champion the people living here and improve the quality of life for rural families and build the economy from the bottom up and the middle out."

Click here to view the original article from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.