The REDP is a Private-Public Partnership (501C3), funded by business, institutions, and government, whose mission is to stimulate economic growth and prosperity, and a resultant higher quality of life for all citizens of the Minneapolis – St. Paul Metropolitan Region (MSA). Its primary role is to be a value-added resource to all economic development organizations and activities in the region. The efforts of the REDP, and the resulting investment and prosperity, will lessen the burden of government and contribute to a brighter future for all residents of the region.
The overall responsibility of a successful regional economic development partnership is to better coordinate the activities of the region’s economic development partners by providing vision, strategy, resources, and staff support to link state and local governments and organizations involved with job creation, marketing, recruitment and retention. There are four specific activities that the REDP will lead or partner with existing organizations in order to accomplish:
Set a Strategic Vision
- Create the regional strategic vision for economic development
- Define the tactical economic development agenda to guide resource prioritization
Brand and Market the Region
- Create regional brand to reflect strategic vision
- Market the region’s vision and brand internally to align regional stakeholders
- Market the region to external site consultants, companies, and potential clients
Retain Current Businesses in the Region
- Conduct local business check-ups and solve company specific problems
- Connect businesses to, and raise awareness of, state and local resources
Attract Businesses to, and Expand Businesses in, the Region
- Serve as main contact for site consultants and relocating businesses
- Provide one-stop shop for regional data, permit processes, real estate information, etc.
- Serve as project manager for local expansions and new attraction efforts
- Connect companies with local resources and incentive programs