Wadena Pioneer Journal: 4-lane expansion will bring dramatic change to Wadena’s corridor

Wadena Pioneer Journal: 4-lane expansion will bring dramatic change to Wadena’s corridor Main Photo

30 Aug 2022

News, Todd-Wadena Electric Cooperative

“It would have been easier just to bypass all this,” was one participant's observation while attending MnDOT’s informal meet and greet on Thursday, Aug. 25.

It was one of many observations concerning the four-lane expansion of 6 miles of Hwy 10 on either side of Wadena. But it was one that spoke heavily of the many hurdles in the long road ahead to bringing this project to completion. Construction is expected in 2025, but a lot of conversations must be had and decisions must be made to reach that destination.

Click here to view the original article from the Wadena Pioneer Journal.