MLEC awarded state broadband grant

11 Mar 2020

It was announced by Governor Walz that Mille Lacs Energy Cooperative (MLEC) was awarded a Minnesota State Broadband grant, for a Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH) Internet project. The project area will connect MLEC’s previous fiber project areas and stretch from south of Aitkin to north of Farm Island Lake.  

The project will pass 500 homes and businesses and will provide up to one Gbps (Gbps stands for billions of bits per second and is a measure of bandwidth on a digital data transmission medium such as optical fiber) symmetrical Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH) internet service. FTTH is the fastest and most reliable internet available. MLEC will, once again, partner with Consolidated Telecommunications Company (CTC) on the construction of this project and expand the MLEC fiber internet network.

Click here to read full article from Aitkin Age.