Grand Rapids Herald Review: GoMARTI expanding into Cohasset

25 May 2024
Tammy Meehan Russel and Trisha Peterson were present to talk about goMARTI, at the Tuesday, May 14 regular Cohasset City Council meeting.
Russel explained this is Minnesota’s accessible rural transit innovations. It started back in 2022, as a 24-month pilot program through September 2024. There are five self-driving shuttles (three wheelchair accessible), autonomous vehicle operator always engaged, first rural large-scale launch of a public autonomous shuttle pilot and rides are free.
“There are always operators on board,” Russel said.
There are 75 virtual pick-up/drop-off locations.
Russell talked about some stats, and said through May 13, 2024, there have been over 9,710 riders, 800 plus wheelchair-accessible rides and 91 percent repeat riders, with a total of 160,000 total miles driven.
Click here to read the full article from the Grand Rapids Herald Review.
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