How do electric cooperatives apply for USDA Rural Economic Development loans

How do electric cooperatives apply for USDA Rural Economic Development loans Main Photo

22 May 2023


The application process for the USDA Rural Economic Development Loan program through Great River Energy member-owner cooperatives is straightforward. After meeting with your local cooperative and completing a pre-application form, a formal USDA application is prepared and submitted to the co-op board for approval. Approved applications are sent to the local USDA field representative, who forwards it to the USDA Rural Development National Office for selection on a nationally competitive basis. Applications are viewed quarterly, and if selected, Great River Energy and the local cooperative will help navigate the next steps and schedule a loan closing. 

Minnesota electric co-ops can apply for USDA business loans

Great River Energy offers services to help its member-owner cooperatives access USDA financing to promote rural economic development and create jobs. The USDA Rural Economic Development Loan and Grant (REDLG) Program offers pass-through loans for Minnesota businesses ranging from $10,000 to $2,000,000. 

Apply today for a USDA business loan here.