Will the Food and Beverage Manufacturing Sector Ever Cool Off?

8 Jun 2022
Will the Food and Beverage Manufacturing Sector Ever Cool Off? In a word, no. At least not in the foreseeable future. Why is this? The Covid-19 pandemic reshuffled the deck on almost all of what we do, how we do it, shaping trends and consumer preferences. The global demand for food has never been higher. This of course affects costs. Inflation is real, (but you know that unless you haven’t been to either a grocery store or a restaurant since March of 2020). Food costs are up 5.4 percent in 2022 over 2021, which also saw a hefty jump in 2021. The labor force is shrinking with the “Great Resignation” putting even greater operational pressures on F&B companies. Building materials such as steel are in short supply, with a 34-week backlog for roof joists. This too is inflationary. What to do? Should communities still try to compete for F&B facilities? Yes! If you have the product and infrastructure.
Click here to view the original article from the Expansion Solutions Magazine.
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Jun 6 2022