Regional Population Growth Remains Critical Corporate Site Location Driver

3 Aug 2021

Demographic data impacts corporate site location trends, and a region’s population growth plays an important role in deciding where companies may choose to retain or locate new jobs and capital investment.  Demography is the study of the structure of the population in terms of size, characteristics such as age distribution and education, changes in the population due to births, mortality and net immigration, etc.  In 1798, Thomas Malthus, a British essayist wrote about the effects of population growth on economic development.  Regions with an increasing population base and a group of younger workers illustrate growing communities.  The availability of a skilled labor pool is critical to regions being attractive to corporations searching for a location.  As an example, the percentage of citizens over 25 with a college degree illustrates the likelihood the region can attract high-wage financial services, insurance, health care, high-tech, professional service and other advanced services white collar jobs.  However, the most important demographic data point is the overall population growth of a region.  Growing population centers provided a larger workforce pool for companies to choose from.

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