MDA: Applications open for grants to strengthen Minnesota’s food supply chain

MDA: Applications open for grants to strengthen Minnesota’s food supply chain Main Photo

31 Jan 2024


The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) is now accepting applications for a new grant program to help strengthen Minnesota’s food supply chain.

The Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure (RFSI) Grant Program offers competitive grants for Minnesota businesses and organizations operating middle-of-the-food-supply-chain activities that support local agricultural products. Up to $9.6 million in funding is available as part of a cooperative agreement awarded to the MDA by the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service.

Grants will fund projects that expand capacity and infrastructure for the aggregation, processing, manufacturing, storing, transportation, wholesaling, or distribution of locally and regionally produced food intended for human consumption, including specialty crops, dairy, grains, aquaculture, and other food products (except meat and poultry, as they are funded through other programs). Awards will be between $100,000 and $3 million, and a 50% match of the total project cost is required.

Click here to view the original article from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA).