DEED: Public Facilities Authority Announces $60.3M in Awards

DEED: Public Facilities Authority Announces $60.3M in Awards Main Photo

20 Feb 2025


The Minnesota Public Facilities Authority (MPFA) today announced over $60.3 million in loans and grants awarded to 17 wastewater and drinking water infrastructure projects throughout the state.

MPFA awards funds to help cities build public infrastructure that protects the environment and public health, promoting economic growth. Since its inception in 1987, MPFA has financed nearly $6.1 billion in public infrastructure projects, impacting most every community in Minnesota.

"Funding from MPFA is a vital resource for many towns across the state, and an investment with an impact felt long after project completion," said DEED Commissioner Matt Varilek, chair of the MPFA. "Meeting Minnesota's universal need for clean, drinkable, accessible water is a key step in empowering Minnesota's economy for all and will continue to be a priority as we ensure our communities are able to flourish."

Click here to view the original article from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development.