Celebrating National Cooperative Month: powering communities, empowering people

Celebrating National Cooperative Month: powering communities, empowering people Main Photo

18 Oct 2024


Minnesota has long been a pioneer in the cooperative movement, with over 800 cooperatives serving more than 3 million member-owners across the state. The roots of National Cooperative Month stretch back to 1948 when Minnesota Gov. Luther Youngdahl signed the first proclamation, and the celebration became national in 1964. Today, cooperatives continue to provide essential services creating economic opportunities and improving quality of life, particularly in rural areas.

Today, over 30,000 cooperatives — including food, grocery, worker, retail, purchasing, utility and financial cooperatives — account for over 2 million jobs nationwide and generate more than $700 billion in annual revenue. This widespread impact demonstrates the cooperative model's resilience, with 24% of agricultural cooperatives surpassing 100 years in operation and 77% thriving for over 50 years.

This year, the theme “The Future is Cooperative” resonates strongly as electric cooperatives help lead the way toward clean energy solutions, backed by more than $7.3 billion in federal investment through the Empowering Rural America (New ERA) program.

Electric cooperatives, like Great River Energy, are at the heart of this cooperative legacy. They provide affordable, reliable power to communities and act as engines of economic development. Great River Energy has been committed to serving its member cooperatives and empowering their local communities for decades.

What makes electric power cooperatives different from other utilities

At their core, cooperatives differ from for-profit, investor-owned or municipal utility providers. The primary distinction lies in ownership and purpose. Shareholder profits drive investor-owned utilities, while municipal utilities operate under government control.

Electric cooperatives, however, are owned by the people they serve — their members. This ownership model means that cooperatives focus on delivering value to their members rather than maximizing profits for investors.

The cooperative model fosters local accountability and decision-making. Members have a voice in how the cooperative operates, and profits are returned to members through patronage dividends or reinvested into infrastructure improvements.

Different from for-profit utilities, cooperatives like Great River Energy prioritize member satisfaction and community well-being. They help maintain affordable energy costs while supporting local development initiatives.

Operating principles that guide local cooperatives 

Cooperatives operate under seven guiding principles that have sustained their success for generations. These principles ensure that cooperatives remain transparent, inclusive and focused on the needs of their members.

  • Open and voluntary membership: Cooperatives are open to all people willing to accept the responsibilities of membership without discrimination.
  • Democratic member control: Every member has a voice and equal voting rights regardless of their energy usage level.
  • Member economic participation: Members contribute to and democratically control the capital of their cooperative, with profits being reinvested or returned to members.
  • Autonomy and independence: Cooperatives maintain independence, even when entering partnerships or receiving external support.
  • Education, training and information: Cooperatives emphasize ongoing education for members and staff, enabling informed decisions and community growth.
  • Cooperation among cooperatives: Cooperatives work together to strengthen the movement, benefiting from shared knowledge and resources.
  • Concern for community: Cooperatives are deeply committed to their communities, supporting local initiatives and fostering long-term prosperity.

Great River Energy exemplifies these principles, working tirelessly to assist its member cooperatives, which serve more than 700,000 homes, farms and businesses across Minnesota. Whether through innovative energy solutions, educational programs or reinvesting profits, Great River Energy stands as a model of how cooperatives enrich local communities.

Great River Energy is a leader in cooperative energy innovation

As a cooperative itself, Great River Energy plays a vital role in helping member cooperatives meet the growing demand for clean, reliable energy. By embracing renewable energy sources and leveraging cutting-edge technology, Great River Energy ensures that its member cooperatives remain competitive and prepared for the future.

As the energy landscape continues to evolve, Great River Energy's cooperative structure allows It to respond quickly to its members' needs, leading the charge toward a more sustainable and resilient energy future.

This National Cooperative Month, we celebrate the unique power of cooperatives like Great River Energy, which embodies the spirit of collaboration and community empowerment. Together, cooperatives across the country are shaping a brighter, more sustainable future — where the well-being of members and their communities always comes first.