Aitkin Action Alliance: Strategy for success

Aitkin Action Alliance: Strategy for success Main Photo

8 Nov 2018

Mille Lacs

Last year, the Aitkin Area Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Committee partnered with APEX to form the Aitkin Action Alliance. A strategic plan was formed, and a business outreach program began. Local areas of opportunity and strength were identified and built upon to drive investment in the region.

During the committee’s meeting on Sept. 12, APEX Business Developer Tamara Lowney gave an update on the strategic plan. Target areas addressed by the strategic plan are: workforce, support existing businesses, brand and marketing plan, beyond the status quo, industrial park, training-entrepreneur, recreation-hospitality, attraction, housing and legislative.

“The success of the plan is heavily reliable on the involvement of the group,” said Lowney. In her experience working with groups across the region, Aitkin is one of the more active examples, Lowney said.

Support existing businesses

Business retention and expansion (BRE) was one of the larger efforts undertaken by the Alliance. Team members visited local businesses to gain insight into addressing issues or concerns, advocacy and partnerships.

To date, 22 BRE visits have been conducted. Feedback was gathered from manufacturers, trades services, health care, professional services and more.

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