Business survival rate top in the nation

5 Apr 2018

Minnesota has the country’s highest five-year survival rate for new businesses, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

In Minnesota, of the businesses that launched five years ago in 2012, 57.4 percent of them were still operating. That’s the highest percentage nationwide. The five-year survival rate nationally is 50.2 percent.

Many Midwestern and Plains states landed in the top 10 for their business five-year survival rate:

1. Minnesota, 57.4 percent

2. South Dakota, 56 percent

3. Massachusetts, 55.7 percent

4. Iowa, 55.4 percent

5. Wisconsin, 55.1 percent

6. Maine, 54.7 percent

7. Missouri, 53.8 percent

8. Ohio, 53.5 percent

9./10. California and Montana, 53.4 percent

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